Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kerala Agricultural University,Regional Agricultural Research Station,Kumarakom PO, Kottayam 686 566,Kerala, INDIA.

KVK Publications


 KVK Kottayam publishes half yearly, a News Letter FARM NEWS, which is an effective medium to extend the activities of the KVK to the farm community. It promptly conveys the latest technologies in farm sector developed by the Kerala Agricultural University, and remains as a link between the scientists and farmers enabling effective dissemination of technologies.


Dr. M.K. Sheela, Director of Extension, KAU released the first issue of FARM NEWS, at a function as part of the SAC Meeting of KVK, Kottayam on 25 May 2006. An updated brochure depicting the activities of KVK, Kottayam was also released by Dr. Sai Ram, Senior Scientist, KVK Zonal Office, Bangalore.
