The education
commission (1964-66) recommended that a vigorous effort be made to
establish specialised institutions to provide vocational education
in agriculture and allied fields at the pre and post matriculate levels to
cater the training needs of a large number of boys and girls coming
from rural areas. The commission further suggested that such
institutions be named as Agricultural Polytechniques. The recommendations
of the commission was thoroughly discussed in during 1966-72 by the
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture. Planning Commission,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research and other allied institutions.
Finally the ICAR mooted the Idea of establishing Krishi Vigyan Kendras
(Agricultural Science Centres) as innovative institutions for imparting
vocational training to the practicing farmers, school drop outs and field
level extension functionaries
The ICAR standing committee on agricultural education,
in its meeting held in August 1973 observed that since the establishment
of KVK was of national importance which would help in accelerating the
agricultural production as also improving the socio economic conditions of
the farming community. The assistance of all related institutions should
be taken in implementing this scheme. The ICAR therefore constituted a a
committee in 1973 headed by Dr. Mohan Sinha for working out detailed plan
for implementing this scheme.
The first KVK was established in 1974 at
Pondicherry under the administrative control of the Tamilnadu Agricultural
University,Coimbatore.In 1976-77, the planning commission approved the
proposal of the ICAR to establish 18 KVK during the Fifth Five year plan
and few more added to the list.
In 1984 a high level evaluation committee on KVK was
constituted by the ICAR to review the programme. The committee
recommended for the establishment of more KVKs in the country. thus by the
end of the sixth Plan 89 KVKs had started functioning in the country.
The success of KVKs at many locations created a great
demand for establishment of more KVKs in the country.
The Kendra will impart learning through work experience
and hence will be concerned with technical literacy, the acquisition of
which does not necessarily require as a pre condition for the
ability to read and write
The Kendra will impart training to only those extension workers who are
already employed or to the practicing farmers and farm women.
There will be no uniform syllabus for a Kendra. The syllabus and programme
of each Kendra will be tailored to the felt needs, Natural resources and
the potential for agricultural growth in that
Special features of KVK
Strong technical support
Work experience as a training device
Need based course
Flexibility with firmness
Concept of composite training
Field oriented core staff
Limited area jurisdiction
Practical training
Strong institutional linkage
Continued follow up measures
Deputy Director General (DDG) agri. Extension with
support of three, Assistant Director General (ADG) four Principal
Scientists and two Sr. Scientists in the division of Agricultural
Extension at the ICAR head quarters at New Delhi and Eight Zonal
coordinators at eight different Zones with the support of 16 Sr.
Scientists are involved in the implementation, supervision and monitoring
of the project.
KVK , Kottayam comes under the Zone VIII. The different
officers assigned to look after the VIIIth Zone are
Dr. P. Das
Deputy Director General (AE)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) (Division of Agricultural
Krishi Anusnadhan Bhavan
New Delhi -12
Phone : 25843277 /25843906 -402
Fax :91-11-25822968 / 25843277
Email : pdas@
Dr. J. P. Mittal National Co-ordinator ( NATP) Project Implementation
Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre IARI,
New Delhi - 110021
Fax :
Email : jpm100 @
Dr. S. L. Mehta
National Director
National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP)
Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan
New Delhi -12
Dr. S. Prabhukumar Zonal Co-ordinator
TOT -Project -ICAR)
Zonal Co-Ordinating Unit - Zone VIII
NDRI -Campus
Bangalore - 560 030
Phone : 080 - 25711755 (o) 25711417 23516778 (R)
Fax : 91-80 -25710615
Email : [email protected]